Where do waterfalls go?

Wellbeing space part of Relaxed Hours and commissioned by the Arts and Wellbeing team, Southbank Centre

I developed an accessible sensory space where people were invited to draw with sand and mini totem sculptures, do self massage, make soothing pillows out of lavender and flax seeds and gather in conversation in a safe, slow and non judgemental environment.

This wellbeing space included a vitrine/box zen garden inspired sandpit, 18 miniature totem sculptures, three tactile pieces and a self massage room with tools and two weighted blankets. Most textiles used in the show were naturally dyed with surplus flowers, local plants and food waste.

Relaxed hours is an invitation to make exhibitions at Hayward gallery more accessible and friendly for those struggling with their mental health and with sensory, access or particular emotional needs. The title for my wellbeing space, Where do waterfalls go? was taken from an Hiroshi Sugimoto’s quote in regards to his Seascapes series, in which my wellbeing space naturally responded to. Sugimoto had a retrospective showing at the Hayward at the time.

More than 250 people joined the space across the day, and there were some beautiful moments of connection such as when collectively drawing in the sandpit, or when just touching the sand and allowing a moment for the body and the emotions to ground and rest, to connect with the natural world and with earth, to observe and be present. The massage room was a place to relax quietly, self exploring touch sensations, feelings and emotions in the body at each person’s own pace.

See more about Relaxed Hours here

Dan Graham Pavilion, Hayward Gallery, November 2023

Photos by Kadi Diallo and myself

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